ordinary life ni ate cha

November 01, 2006

teenage suicides

There is an alarming rise of teenage suicides here in Japan. These past few weeks alone, 3 cases were unfolded on the news. 2 highschool girls and 1 boy ended their young lives . One even commiting the act in the comfort room of her school. It was on the news again, just a few minutes ago.

Why ?, would be your first question. Yes, why did these young people put an end to their young and full of potential life?

Sadness and anger is what I'm feeling right now , and I think so would anyone when they learn the reason of these horrible deaths.

" Bullying ! "
For many mundane reasons , young people are being bullied by their classmates, their supposed to be friends and in one case even a teacher. Isn't that sad?? I dont usually feel pity for people but these cases that I hear daily on tv wrecks my nerve and even now as I'm typing this my eyes are beginning to water.

I see children , talk with them ...even play with them always and I can't help but imagine that in the near future one of these kids would end his life , or would be the cause of someones pain and suicide.

These are not just isolated cases ! There's really been a rise of teenage suicides that it even reach the higher government levels. It has been discussed by the diet ( prime minister and his underlings ). Adults are baffled and at loss. Teachers are being blamed. No wonder because some schools here deny that their students are " bullies ". Parents try to cover up their childrens misgivings too.

I tried to recall my own school life and I admit that there were bullies at my school. But they were just small time pranksters compared to the bullies here ...nowadays.
Imagine having to endure sneers and malicious whispers everyday in school. One girl wrote in her suicide note that she was called " kimochi warui ", which means that the person saying it gets sick just by looking at her face.

This is my plea to all , I say all because each and everyone has a responsibility.

To parents ...
I am not in a position to reprimand parents since I'm not even one yet and dont have experience raising a child. But...., I beg you all not only to teach good habits, manners and morals to your kids but be very watchful and cautious too. Be very aware of what your child is doing in school, what kind of children he is friends with. Children are ashamed or even afraid to speak up to their parents and as adults we should be alert to sudden changes , uncommon behaviours in our children. Parent...your child might be bullying someone or the other way around.

To teachers...
Children look up to you , they believe that you are their heroes ready to help and save them in their dilemas. When someone comes to you complaining he is the target of bullies, please listen. The news declared that most of the teengers who ended their lives at one point went to see their teachers and talked about their situation. But the teachers just promised that they will look into the matter but didn't really do anything. Didn't even investigate. In one case , the class adviser was even the first to call his student names which led to the whole class joining in and bullying the boy.

In another case , a mother noticed her child crying after school so she went to the teacher for help. 4 days later this girl hanged herself in her room.

To children....
Please , please dont hurt someones feeling. You might think its just a joke or that you really dont like that person but still don't...don't say or do something that will hurt. Not everyone is a strong person , not all can cope. Please be kind and nice even to those you do not like.


I'm sorry this is not a happy post. I just feel I have to say something.
Have a nice day everybody!

Posted by ・midnitebara :: 8:56 AM :: 7 Comments:

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