ordinary life ni ate cha

October 16, 2006

handkerchief prince

Hi everybody ! How was your weekend ? Hope it was great and that you are all relaxed and ready to face another tedious week.

You might wonder what the hell that title mean..?
Handkerchief prince ....or " hankachi ouji " ( ハンカチ王子 ) , is the new heartthrob of Japan.
I am always so intrigued and honestly aghast at how women...particularly housewives and even grandma's react to some young men.
Take for example , the craziness over the south korean actor " bae yon joon ", whom they call "Yon Sama , or Lord Yon ". My goodness, I know its normal to be infatuated , fall in love for a while to a celebrity ( I'm like that too ! ) , but to some extent only right?!
Its different here ! To think that even travel tours have to provide special " bae yon joon " tours for this flock of adoring middle-aged women who wants to see , and walk around the location sites of said actors drama.
They come in hordes ...thousands to the airport just to welcome the actor when he comes to Japan. Don't they know that they cause commotion and disturbance to other people at the airport?? Come on mom's, granny's . BEHAVE !!

' hankachi ouji ' , he replaced bae yon joon ( I'm not sure how to spell his name ! ).
His real name is Yuki Saitoh , a schoolboy pitcher for his school's baseball team who won the national championships. He was called this because " he daintily patted his sweating face with a blue hanky. " Women all over the country , mostly middle-aged housewives are swooning , falling weak on their knees on just the thought, mention of this young man on the telly. And because of him, blue handkerchiefs have been a million seller this last few weeks. His face is everywhere !!

In fairness to this guy , I must admit he is not just another pretty face. He is also a good athlete with great potentials.
He was recruited to various professional baseball teams but....

I admire him for this ....he declined in favor of college !! Bravo !

I should also add that he is charming ..in a demure way unlike the rest of the japanese teenfolks. He doesn't seem to be aware of his overwhelming popularity , and looks like he doesn't care too.
Someday, after college I also would like him to play professionally.

I have nothing against " idolators " of famous people but.......If my mom would act like these women ...I would surely be embarrassed, humiliated and would be angry . Please.....think about how your kids and husbands feel too !

Well, its a Monday ...one of the busiest day of the week for me , and I guess for everybody else too. So, enjoy and have a nice monday!!Image hosting

Posted by ・midnitebara :: 10:14 AM :: 10 Comments:

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